Blum and Gallagher Obtain Defense Verdict in Jury Trial

by | Nov 22, 2022 | News Archives

On November 10, 2022 a jury awarded a defense verdict to EGHB’s client, Domino’s Pizza, LLC and So-Cal Dominoids, Inc. in the personal injury case Thomas v. Heys. By effectively distilling the complex scientific, mechanical, and medical issues involved in this difficult matter, EGHB attorneys Fred M. Blum successfully argued that the defendant’s actions were not a substantial factor in causing the plaintiff’s injuries.

“We were able to focus on the inconsistencies in the testimony of plaintiff’s experts to highlight that Mr. Thomas’s actions were the sole cause of the accident,” said Fred Blum. “I’m proud of our entire trial team and the indispensable contributions of my partner Mike Gallagher in achieving this important win.”

The case was venued in Department 60 of the San Diego Superior Court of California before Judge Matthew C. Braner. The plaintiff was represented by attorneys Frederick Schenk and Eric Ganci of CaseyGerry.

About Edlin Gallagher Huie + Blum

Listed on Bloomberg Law’s DEI Framework and named a Forbes Top Trusted Corporate Law Firm, EGHB is a nimble team of defense-side trial lawyers who help clients achieve favorable outcomes in cases with billions of dollars on the line. By leveraging our litigation strengths, working with the right experts, and collaborating efficiently with our clients and each other, we reduce risks and control costs. To learn more please visit